Sunday 9 February 2014


I am a Jammer from AJ and i have a big experience in rares, betas and accounts. Some people think i'm in the AJ HQ but i'm not, i have been playing it since it was first created. Today i have brought you a list of the top 10 rarest items in which it is not the same to Julian2's list but some are the same.

Click ''Rarest Items'' page to witness the rarest ITEMS not jammers of AJ. These items may be as old as you have never seen them or as new as you were there the day they were being sold. These items are checked, edited and their places moved if they have to every 9 months. This editing only happens if there is a sudden change in it.

Click ''Rarest Jammers'' to find out who the top 10 jammers are of the 5 years. These again are switched and edited if needed. And some may have not been on for more than 30 days so you cannot, buddy them, jam-a-gram them, report them, block them, trade them, play games with them or view the tabs like animals, pets and achievements. If you have your own opinion on this email me to and tell me what you think.

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